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Standing Strong for Democracy Together

Join us in fostering collaboration and action to safeguard democracy and counter authoritarian trends in our community.

Uniting Communities for Lasting Democracy

We are committed to fostering a vibrant democracy by collaborating with our community, promoting civic engagement, and standing against authoritarianism to safeguard our collective future.

Building Strong Communities for Democratic Values

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Uniting for a Stronger Democracy

Explore our latest events and activities, designed to inspire connection, collaboration, and community-driven impact.

Northern Dauphin – Next chance to vote is in the upcoming primary!!!

May 20, 2025

Community Action Forum

Presentation from Work-Force PA Project Resistance presentation on March 23, 2025, courtesy of Rick Coplen. (Mostly this is silent slides, but John Broadhurst and Tim Potts have comments that you can listen to in their entirety).